Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I want more passion

Here is only the second flower that I saw on this vine this year. My passion vine didn't bloom much this summer but I'm expecting a lot more of these flowers next year now that this plant has had time to get established. When summer returns next year, it better not disappoint me.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Four Foods "from" Friday

It's another week of Four Foods provided by Val at Fun, Crafts and Recipes. This is the same thing that we've all seen our kids do on MySpace where they answer the many questions about themselves and then share it with all their friends in a bulletin. The only difference here is that there are fewer questions and it always involves food. Join in and share!

#1. Turnips. Love em or leave em?
Leave 'em. I've tried them and they didn't leave me yearning for more.

#2. What’s your favorite roasted dish?
Any vegetables that are roasted will work. And while we are talking roasted... roast and potatoes is my favorite.

#3. Salsa. What kind do you like?
The salsa from a mexican restaurant in Midland, called Jorge's. It's the best, but when I can't have that then I want to make it homemade because it's the closest thing to Jorge's salsa.

#4. Share directions on how to make your favorite quick meal, meaning start to finish in about 30 minutes or less.

Pinto Beans and Sausage

1 lb pinto beans
salt, handful
1 lb german sausage
1 T worcestorshire
1 bell pepper
1 can whole tomatoes (cut up)
1 onion (chopped)
onion powder

Cook beans per directions.(I've made them from dry and from a can, both are good) Add all other ingredients. Cover and let the mixture lightly boil until it starts to thicken. Serve with rice.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's official

The summer is over and so are the pool activities. We winterized the pool and covered it for the winter. I can't wait until next summer.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I got in my car to run a few errands today and my car wouldn't start. This was the same thing that happened 6 weeks ago so we already knew that the problem was the starter. Thank goodness this didn't happen a day later because I'll be in Dallas on Saturday.

I called Ray and he took the rest of the day off from work to get it fixed. Not only did Ray pick up a new starter at the auto parts store, but he also got a few other items that, hopefully, he'll use more than just this one time.

I'm just happy to have my car fixed again.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I haven't exactly had blogging on my mind this week because my dad came down with a serious illness and was admitted into the hospital. Doctors still don't know what this is or what has caused it but he was feeling better yesterday and it was probably due to the fact that it was the first day he didn't have a fever.

I'm in awe of him as a patient. As sick as he's been this week, he's been so kind to the nurses and doesn't have anything bad to say about the hospital or staff. We've had other family members in the hospital before and they were huge complainers and just bad patients wanting all of their demands met. This man is a gentle giant and I'm hoping for him to get much better, very soon.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Make it stop

For the past two weeks Hayden has been looking up magic tricks on the internet. We have endured trick after trick after trick. Some of it has been funny and some of it has been awkward. It's awkward when you see that he slipped the coin in his pocket and then he practically dares you to guess where it went.

He has this one trick where he distracts you with a pen while hiding the coin in a pocket and everytime I'm amazed at the pen. The pen is not the "magic" part of the trick, it's the coin he's making disappear. He gets the pen behind his ear so fast that I'm mesmerized by the fact that I never see how he does it. And even though the coin has now disappeared while I was watching that stupid pen, I'm only in awe of the pen.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'm addicted to these puzzles. In some books it's called Cross Sums. It makes Sudoku seem boring since it's a bit more challenging.

It's got to be good exercise for the ol' brain so hopefully it's doing me some good so that I have a good excuse to sit around working on puzzles.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Update to the school situation

I want to thank all of you who were nice to leave comments and supportive thoughts about the teacher that disciplined Caitlin for not saying the "Pledge of Allegiance". We had our meeting with the principal, Mr. Hocutt, on Monday and told him that Caitlin was no longer comfortable in that classroom after the teacher's behavior towards her and that we wanted her removed from that class. He explained that they don't like to make adjustments to the schedule this late in the semester and he would need to talk to the other principals and her counselor and hopefully get back to us before Wednesday.

So everyday, we called the school to have her checked out of that class, while waiting to hear from Mr. Hocutt. We never heard anything so we instructed her to go see the counselor and see if anything has been done. We are happy to say that she has been moved to another class. As for that teacher, I'm sure nothing has been said to her on our behalf, even though we asked that she be told how that we didn't appreciate hearing from our daughter that we weren't doing a good job at home.

A day after our meeting, another girl abruptly left her classroom and was also given in-house detention. Maybe after a few more incidents like that, the school administration will wise up.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Heart Blogging

I received this very special award today from Dawn @ Dawn's Diversions. She is a fellow blogger who also lives in my neck of the woods. I'm very grateful to her for this and I've enjoyed reading her blog and being connected to her in this way. She brought up a good point on her blog about us bloggers and it was that we love to get your comments. This could not be truer because it's what brings us bloggers together where we support each other in the happenings of our everyday life. And those of you who aren't bloggers, but enjoy reading them... leave a comment and let us know you're out there. We love to hear from you. When you get a moment, go check out Dawn's blog. As a recipient of this award, there are rules to follow. I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only! Then I must pass it on to seven others! The questions are as follows:

1. Where is your cell phone? Charging
2. Where is your significant other? Couch
3. Your hair color? Brown
4. Your mother? Hopeless
5. Your father? Humorous
6. Your favorite thing? Kids
7. Your dream last night? Forgetable
8. Your dream/goal? Happiness
9. The room you're in? bedroom
10. Your hobby? puzzles
11. Your fear? Loneliness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? wealthier
13. Where were you last night? Tulsa
14. What you're not? Liar
15. One of your wish-list items? kitchen
16. Where you grew up? Texas
17. The last thing you did? phone
18. What are you wearing? jeans
19. Your TV? lightweight
20. Your pet? Mojo
21. Your computer? laptop
22. Your mood? happy
23. Missing someone? sister
24. Your car? Expedition
25. Something you're not wearing? pajamas
26. Favorite store? Kohls
27. Your summer? quick
28. Love someone? children
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When is the last time you laughed? everyday
31. Last time you cried? movie

The seven bloggers that I'm nominating:

1. Desert Trivia
2. Chickens in the Road
3. The Hunter's Wife
4. Garza Clan of Colorado
5. The Domestic Life
6. When I'm Thin
7. The Crooked Curve

Now, for you recipients of this award, here's the deal:
* Display your award.
* Link back to the person who gave you the award.
* Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
* Put links to those blogs on yours.
* Leave a message on the blogs of the people you've nominated.
* Enjoy your award!

Aches, pains and other issues

I've been taking celebrex the last three days to see if it would help the pain that I've been feeling in my arms since last November. My arms are actually feeling better so that might be a sign that the pain is due to inflammation. Of course, I really can't say for sure after only 3 days. I must be doing something that's causing the flare up. Hope it's not due to my computer. Annnywhooo, I'm seeing another doctor on Friday that might be more equipped for this type of problem and I'll know more about what is "going down" (in my gangster voice).

Ray went to the doctor today and had a surprise prostate exam. He called me after his appointment and I laughed while he told me about his experience. This blog is not the place to share all of the things he said, but one thing he did express is that he would not make a good gay guy. :-)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This is what the rain brings

This was so fascinating to me. After our 4" of rain on Saturday, the low spot on our driveway had water sitting on it and as I was walking by I spot a few pink balls of what looked to be lint or some sort of fabric. I stopped to get a closer look and discovered that it wasn't lint at all. It was balls of tiny worms. Now, I know this looks disgusting, but isn't it strange and yet amazingly interesting? Ray said the worms were in a mating ball or was it a mating wad?.. I don't know but I'm sure he knew what he was talking about.

And just to make things more interesting, I'm including a video so that you can see them in action along with the snails that were also in mass attendance.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Four Foods

It's time for Four Foods on Friday. Wanna play? Copy and paste and visit Fun, Crafts, and Recipes. Super easy.

#1. Share a recipe for something Italian.

Spaghetti Pie

1/3 cup parmesan cheese
2 eggs – well beat
1 cup cottage cheese
1 t oregano
6 oz Spaghetti
1 lb ground beef
1-8 oz Tomatoes cut up
½ cup chopped onion
1-6oz Tomato paste
½ t garlic salt
2 T butter
½ cup chopped green pepper
1 t sugar
1 cup mozzarella cheese

Cook spaghetti and drain. Stir in butter, parmesan cheese and eggs. Pour in 10" pie pan and form into crust. Spread cottage cheese over crust. Fix ground beef with onions and peppers. Drain; Stir in undrained tomatoes, paste, sugar, oregano and garlic salt. Heat it through. Spread meat mixture over cottage cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with mozzarella and bake 10 - 15minutes.

#2. Jam, jelly, preserves, marmalade, fruit butter or butter. What’s on your toast or bread?
I usually have preserves on my toast. Strawberry if it's available, apricot if I'm in the mood for it and grape when nothing else sounds better.

#3. What’s your favorite Kellogg’s product? (Since they’re multinational I’m hoping everyone can answer this one. If you don’t have Kellogg’s products, what’s your favorite cold breakfast cereal?)
I think Kellogg's Poptarts are pretty spiffy. A grab and go snack when you don't have time for anything else.

#4. Do you like liver? What about liverwurst?
Ewww. Eeeek... why would anyone want to eat an organ?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

You are cleared to land

We were awaken to a 6:00am phone call this morning from our neighbor. He was walking out to the street to get his newspaper and discovered that our gas meter had been hit and was spewing out gas. I immediately called the gas company and we all walked outside to make sense of what had happened. The sound of the spewing gas was loud and could be heard as soon as we opened the door to go outside. Because it was still very dark, we had to use flashlights and we were able to see tire tracks in the yard leading to the gas meter where someone had apparently backed into it, while trying to get out of our driveway.

Our driveway is about 60 yards long and not very wide. An experienced driver would have trouble backing out of our driveway... in the dark...while peering through a tinted window. We've witnessed this struggle with the teens that have visited our house and then try to leave the same way they came up the drive. Without a doubt, it gave someone a heck of a time last night in the pouring rain.

So we decided that the driveway is too treacherous and we need to take some measures to help make our driveway more visible for us and our guest. Say hello to our new solar lights. I'll will now be addressing our driveway as "runway 1".

Saturday, September 13, 2008

When a day starts out uneventful, watch out.

She looks harmless, but she's capable of making lemons out of lemonade.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Freedom of "no speech"?

This has been a bad week where my kids are concerned. Two of them got In House detention this week. One offense went to Hayden for tapping his pencil on the leg of a chair of a classmate (those are the principal's words) and the teacher sent him to the office for bullying where he was told he got detention for 3 days. What can a parent say? If he's annoying another student, then there are consequences. We've never had this happen and have always been told that our kids are well behaved, sweet and just really great kids. The prinicipal even said that he knew this was not like Hayden at all.

The other offender was Caitlin who after standing up and putting her hand across her heart for the pledge of allegiance, was reprimanded because she didn't recite the words. Caitlin got upset and left the classroom. And before you ask, no we are not communist!! She just didn't say the pledge at this particular time just like I've probably done on occasion. Her teacher then told her that her parents must not be teaching her very good values at home and said that she was not a good citizen.

I've never heard anyone speak of teaching their children the pledge of allegiance at home. We have never taught our kids to disrespect our country or the flag. The pledge of allegiance was taught to me at school and this is where my children have learned the pledge. The fact that this teacher decided to reprimand her in front of the class is just ridiculous. I can understand if she was talking during or being disruptive but this wasn't the case. We always stand facing the flag when being instructed and recite the pledge most of the time, but if for some reason, we don't, it doesn't mean that we are any less respectful of our country. Maybe we are just thinking of the words or listening to how it sounds as the others around us make the pledge.

We are seeing the principal over the pledge of allegiance matter. No matter what happened, a teacher should not be insulting a student or their parents, especially over a matter that was not done with any kind of ill-intent.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Completely content

She had her nose up in the air, moving her head around and around, sniffing the air that blew in through the open window. I just happened to catch this picture as she looked in my direction.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Four Foods

Ready, set, play! Time again for the four foods questions from Val at Fun, Crafts and Recipes.

#1. Egg salad or deviled eggs. How do you prepare?
I make deviled eggs more often than the other. We like ours good and tart so I use plenty of mustard and top with paprika. This is one food item that my kids love!

#2. French fries. Do you make homemade or frozen?
Homemade fried potatoes are the best, but since my kids like to have them often, I buy frozen for convenience.

#3. Gravy. What do you use - homemade, jar, can or from a package?
When I'm cooking a meal that needs gravy, I make it homemade. White gravy with chicken fried steak, brown gravy with roast, whatever I might conjure up. I've also used Swanees packaged white gravy for a quick breakfast with canned bisguits, but I like to fry up a little sausage to add to the gravy for flavor. I love gravy!

#4. Share a recipe for a hot (temperature, not spice) dish.

Tuna Casserole
2 - 12 oz cans tuna
1 can cream of mushroom
8 oz Macaroni, cooked
½ cup milk
½ cup grated cheddar cheese

Mix ingredients and pour into buttered casserole dish. Sprinkle with potato chips. Cook at 375 degrees until heated through, about 20 minutes, or until lightly browned on top.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Changes with the fire department

Look at the new white firetruck that the Claremore fire department has now. The old ones were red, like the one sitting behind it. I'm not really sure if it's actually new or just a new paint job but I do like it. But then I'm one who likes change. I had noticed that on the north side of town, a new fire station was being built with 4 garages. That's twice as much room for fire trucks than the stations currently occupy.

I also wondered if that stripe on the side that looks like a "Z" was done on purpose. You know, with us being the Claremore Zebras and all. I'm going to say "yes".

Saturday, September 06, 2008


I left the house Friday morning to take the kids to school and on my way back to the house, I came over a hill and found this view in front of me. At first I thought something had caught fire and this was smoke. I realized quickly that it was a fog that was covering my neighborhood.

Normally when we have fog in the area, we are engulfed in it until it rises. It was strange to be on the outside looking at it from top to bottom, and side to side. It looked just like a cloud that had fell to the ground. As I approached, the edges were less defined and it took on that normal "fog look".

Friday, September 05, 2008

He looks good in blue

Cody has started playing soccer on a competitive team here in Claremore. He's the one in the blue uniform. :-)

This team is the perfect fit for us because it fits our budget, is not too time consuming, and gives Cody a little better soccer training than a recreational team would offer.
My baby is growing up.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Four Foods

Val over at Fun, Crafts and Recipes doesn't have a theme for her food questions this week so it's a hodgepodge of different foods. Visit her blog if you want to copy and paste the questions and play Four Foods on Friday. She post the questions every Friday. Let's play!!

#1. Artichokes. Love em or leave em?
I've never had them but would love to try them sometime. I'm very curious about this strange vegetable.

#2. What’s your favorite kind of bean?
Pinto beans are the best. A bowl of beans with cornbread and fried potatoes is one of the most perfect meals. Mmmm.

#3. Share a recipe for any kind of cake.
It's not really a cake-cake, but the name implies that it is just that.

Banana Split Cake
2 c. graham cracker crumbs
2 sticks oleo
2 c. powdered sugar
3 bananas
1 jar marachino cherries, small jar; drained, halved
8 oz Cool Whip
1 small package pecans, chopped
chocolate syrup
2 eggs
1 can crushed pineapple in juice; drained

Melt 1 stick oleo and mix with crumbs in a 9X13 pan. Press in bottom of pan. Beat eggs, sugar and 1 stick oleo for 10 minutes and pour over crust. Put pineapple over egg mixture. Slice bananas on top of pineapple. Pour chocolate syrup on top and cover with cool whip then chopped pecans and cherries. Chill

#4. What’s your favorite dairy product?
Ice cream is quite lovely. Did that sound british? Anyway, I love many flavors of ice cream but since I recently found out that it's high in cholesterol... it's on my "once in a blue moon" list.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


She's working at Sonic now. Apparently, she was ready for a change and I can't blame her.

Her timing is perfect, don't you think? I mean with Fall closing in and Winter following right behind, those cold temperatures must feel great to those car hoppers with that arctic air taking your breath away everytime they step outside. We warned her about the weather, but you know teenagers, once they get their mind made up about something there is no changing it. I hope she enjoys it at Sonic and has a good time while she's working.