I had gotten used to sleeping alone and when Ray returned from Midland, I bought a new fan to drown out the snoring that comes from his side of the bed. And it does make some noise.
I had the fan turned on high, the tv up loud enough to hear over the fan and was comfortably tucked into bed when Ray entered the room.
Ray: "Wow, that thing's loud."
Me: "WHAT??!"
Ray: "Yeah... TURN THE TV VOLUME UP TO 79!"
Me: "WHAT??!"
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Can you hear me now?
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
And a way we go.
I'm just about done packing to head off to Oklahoma City tomorrow for the Regional soccer tournament. Caitlin and I will be enjoying some soccer, shopping, eating, etc. Robert, a family friend, will be joining us. Should be an interesting weekend. I'll update with scores as we progress and hopefully some pictures.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Good Times
We were in the living room and Hayden was standing near the window, making panting-like breathing noises. I turned to look at him with a "that's disgusting, especially for a 12 year old boy" kind of look and he just starts laughing. Later on Caitlin and I were asking him why he was doing that earlier and again he started to giggle. His comment? .... "Good times."
Friday, June 22, 2007
Dealing with things
I'm really feeling my age when I walk. If I'm not having difficulty breathing then I think I'm going to die of sweating too much. Maybe it's the humidity. Either way, it's not worth it. And it doesn't help things that I keep making nachos to eat. Today I made nachos and fat free pudding. The pudding balances out the fattening nachos, right?? I thought so.
I need to start posting about some important things that I would want to have on record (as if this blog will be saved for all eternity). I should make a post when I talk to Daddy. Like when he was talking about a book that he could write of poetry. I suggested he write a biography instead but he thought it would be pretty boring, but he was quick to come up with the title: "I Are... A Truck Driver". Recently, his attitude about his life has changed from negative to positive. This is especially remarkable since this change took place since he's been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I'm really glad that he's made efforts to sound more positive about things. Some people just don't get it that you should always re-evaluate your annoying personality traits and make self improvements. I hate when people think you should accept them the way they are. If that's how they are then I don't have much to do with them. Why would I want to surround myself with annoyance?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
The girls come to Oklahoma
Tanya, Bailey and Bailey's friend, Marlee, came to visit this past week. We spent the day shopping on Tuesday. The boys didn't go because that just isn't their thing. Tanya and I shuffled Caitlin back and forth to soccer practice on Wednesday and left everyone else at home to play games and jump on the trampoline. We finished the visit off by going bowling on Thursday. We witnessed a few strikes and a few spares but no person bowled a perfect score. This was surprising because afterall, Tanya and I did take lessons back in the '70s.
When the week was over, we were sorry to see them go. I hope that they weren't too bored and had as much fun as we did.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Snakes 'N Shrubs
I killed a snake today. My first ever.
But, Hayden wanted to kill it again.
I was working on getting these shrubs planted and when I was peeling back the stuff that keeps weeds from growing, there it was. Caitlin thought it was mean of me to kill it, but my thinking was that it would reproduce and I couldn't have that!!
Anyway, I still need to add mulch to my newly planted shrubs and when that is done, it will look really nice.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Hard at work at home
I've been busier staying at home than I ever could being employed outside the home. I try to fit in a day of rest at least a couple of times a week. If I don't, I'm going to kill myself.I spent one full afternoon putting a patio set together for the back porch.
Hayden and I worked on getting the yard mowed. He mowed and I used the weed eater to get the hard to reach spots.
I've also been planting flowers which is something that I completely neglected last year. I seriously don't even think I sat on the back porch last year.